
Facility Overview
The Porter County Jail operates under the authority of the Porter County Sheriff’s Office. The operation of the jail is under the direction of Steve Lawrence, Jail Commander.
The jail was constructed in 2001. All jail operations were moved to the new facility in October 2002 from the 136-bed facility located downtown. The Porter County Jail, comprised of approximately 126,400 square feet, contains twenty-two (22) housing units and a total rated bunk capacity for 449 inmates. The jail facility consists of an Administration section, Main Control unit, Intake/Holding area, Medical Isolation Ward, law library, kitchen, laundry area, multipurpose rooms for inmate classes, and indoor/outdoor recreation areas.
The Jail Division is broken down into two detachments, each under the command of a Jail Captain. The first is Security/Operations which oversees both security and the general operations of the facility such as kitchen, laundry, and maintenance. The second is Support Services which is comprised of Classification, Inmate Trust Fund/Commissary, Visitation, Transportation, and Court Security.
Mission Statement
In accordance with accepted standards of jail management, the Porter County Jail Division will strive to provide a safe, secure, and humane facility for all inmates and personnel, for better control of inmate behavior.
The Porter County Jail Division will provide inmate services, education and self-help programs to any inmate that wishes to participate in an effort to improve the wellbeing of the inmate.
Through continuous personal and professional development, the Porter County Jail Division will strive to achieve and maintain the highest standards in all aspects of professional service to the community and to all persons detained in the Porter County Jail.
Vision Statement
It is the vision of the Porter County Jail Division to be an organization that has a strong value system that recognizes the inherent worth of all human beings, respects and recognizes the needs of the community, and holds the belief that, if they choose, offenders can change their lives.
Core Values
Safety – Operate in a safe and efficient manner for yourself, your squad, the facility, and the community.
Service – Cultivate excellent relationships with our community.
Respect – Treat all individuals with consideration and thoughtfulness.
Integrity – Demonstrate positive values in the way you act, and the way you insist others behave.
Initiative – Always be ready, willing, and able to pull together to face new challenges.